Why Am I Starting a Developer Blog?

Why Am I Starting a Developer Blog?

I have been going back and forth on the idea of me blogging because, let's face it: I suck at writing.

Truth is, I'm lazy and I didn't think it would be beneficial, not until I stumbled upon some YouTube videos and articles stating the positive aspects of blogging as a developer.

I always assumed that since I'm a beginner, I am not qualified enough to share what I already know about web development and that I still have more to learn to be able to write a good blog post, but in reality, it's the perfect time to start.

I'm doing this for myself and I hope I will help and meet people along the way.

Reasons why I'm actually doing this:

  1. Becoming a better developer.
  2. Improve my writing skills.
  3. Showcase my skills.
  4. Meet more people on the tech community.
  5. Documenting my progress here.

Whenever I feel like giving up, I will remind myself of these reasons so that I don't give up and carry on with my full commitment to this path.